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House rules

September 29, 2021 by GetDigital

By booking you agree to these house rules. When everyone adheres to this, you help us to continue to offer the best possible service at the best price. 

  • Please check in after 4pm and check out before 11am unless we have agreed otherwise.
  • It is not allowed to smoke in the houses.
  • You can park on the dike, not on the site (then you sink too deeply into the ground).
  • Please close the gate after entering.
  • Pets are allowed to roam freely inside but outside only on a lead.
  • Please keep heating low and lights off when leaving the house
  • Notify us as soon as possible if items from the inventory are missing or if you need help. This allows us to quickly resolve any imperfections. We are also happy to assist you with questions about the house or similar matters.
  • You may (of course) use all items that are in and around the holiday home or that belong to it. We ask you to treat the objects in and around the house with care.
  • No one will intentionally damage anything in the home, yet it can happen to anyone that something breaks. We appreciate it if you report any damage to us quickly, so that we don’t find out until after your departure.
  • The furniture of the interior fittings must not be moved outside.
  • Do not throw pampers and feminine hygiene products, etc., into the toilet.
  • In an emergency, call 112 first and then us.
  • For malfunctions, calamities you can contact us. After 7 p.m., please only if it is a serious malfunction or calamity.
  • Lighting a fire is allowed on the fire pit, but not in other places. Just make sure that it is supervised and that it is well extinguished when you leave the campfire area.
  • You may receive visitors if they want to stay the night, then discuss. The maximum number of visitors is equal to the number of guests that can stay in your accommodation.
  • You are not allowed to organize parties.
  • We ask you not to cause (noise) nuisance. So no loud music, no food or packaging left in the orchard, etc.
  • We are in no way liable for personal injury and/or loss of personal property and/or material damage occurring during the stay.